50. Write your own assignment

I was fiddling with a piece of paper that I kept from when I was rehearsing a narration for part of concert and ended up with a vaguely animal shaped head. I fiddled some more, and suddenly I had an entire creature made from scraps of things I would have normally thrown out. - Rina Beer

A New Monument Submitted by Chang Ch

A pistachio submitted by Skip Laplante

A Sculpture Submitted by Asta Roth

From the Material For The Arts class. My perception of what can be made from the things we throw away and what that means. Maybe messages it is telling us. I call this one: Disposable Prospects - Samm Cohen

My perception of what can be made from the things we throw away and what that means. Maybe messages it is telling us. I call this one: Planet of the Cesspit Spirit - Samm Cohen

My perception of what can be made from the things we throw away and what that means. Maybe messages it is telling us. I call this one : Sump Sifting Solicitation - Samm Cohen

My perception of what can be made from the things we throw away and what that means. Maybe messages it is telling us. I call this one : Gutter Gator - Samm Cohen

I simply had fun with materials that I had. During the process I enjoyed making some thing out of recycled materials. It was overwhelmingly fun to create some thing exciting to me. I called us tapestry horse. - Brianna Kafeiti